ওরিপ্লাস্টের টেকস্ই পাইপ ও ফিটিংগ্স

ওরিপ্লাস্টের পাইপ ও ফিটিংগ্স কৃষিকাজে জলসেচ পদ্ধতিতে দেখাচ্ছে নতুন দিশা

KJ Staff
KJ Staff

Agriculture Pipes & Fittings

Agricultural uPVC pipes resist stringent and rigorous on-site conditions in agricultural fields. The uPVC pipes ensure zero leakage and easy installation. The uPVC pipes and fittings have unique qualities like chemical resistance, fire resistance, corrosion resistance and low thermal conductivity. The pipes and fittings are ideal for applications like Portable Water Supply, Tube Well Casing, Chemical Effluent Disposal and Agricultural Irrigation.

uPVC pipes can be extruded to close dimensional tolerances, are light without being weak, rigid without being brittle and cheaper per unit volume, when compared with any other pipe material.


Published On: 25 April 2019, 02:54 PM English Summary: oriplast-pipes-and-fittings

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